Reflections from the Show Floor - ICSC New York Recap

I attended ICSC’s New York National Deal Making Conference last week, and was encouraged by the level of activity that I saw over the course of the two days. This conference is important as it comes during a natural inflection point for our industry. It is in the midst of the holiday shopping season which is a busy time for retail regardless of product or center format type. Its proximity to the end of the calendar year also creates some urgency on the part of retailers and landlords to close outstanding deals or agreements before the year ends.

Making Praise Meaningful

How often do you throw out comments such as “good work” or “great job”? These “drive-by compliments” are a quick and easy way to tell someone that they are on the right track.  However, if we intentionally take the time to be more specific with praise, we provide more beneficial feedback that will make a lasting impression. It takes time and effort, but also takes advantage of a valuable opportunity to coach in an informal way.   

Coaching Conversations

One of Phillips Edison’s most valued assets is its people.  We take pride in having the best team in the business and put a great deal of effort into helping our associates continue to learn and grow.  As part of that, a little over a year ago we chose to discard the often dreaded annual review process in favor of a more fluid, ongoing coaching approach. 

3 Ways Your Groceries Are Coming to You

After years of promise, but very limited growth (especially compared to other categories), online grocery sales are finally reaching a turning point. According to a survey that I recently read from grocery retail consultancy Brick Meets Click, 41% of people have now purchased groceries online at some point. That said, the survey went on to discuss what the “at some point” part of that equation actually entails. For example, 61% of people said that their last online grocery purchase was for a specific item that they could not easily find in the store.

The Stories We Tell

In any given day, we make a multitude of decisions ranging from what to have for breakfast to how to meet our goals at work.  Often, those decisions, especially the more complicated ones, are presented to us in the form of a story.  We’re given a narrative that outlines the current status of an issue and we apply our past experiences – our own story – to that.  For example, when my kids ask me to intervene in a disagreement, they tell me the story of who started it and what happened.  While they’re telling me this, I’m also remembering past behavioral patterns for each of them.  Both their

The Values That Guide Us

Phillips Edison’s unique and thriving culture is a source of great pride for every member of our team. We’ve received accolades and recognition for the many related programs that we have developed throughout the company’s 25 year history and associates frequently cite the culture as a reason they joined the company and also why they stay. Of course, as a learning organization, we are constantly evolving, improving and growing.

A Grocery Store Changed My Life

Did you know a grocery store can totally change your life? Neither did I - until last year.

Recharge at RECon

ICSC’s RECon is the “Super Bowl” of retail real estate and my favorite event of the year. The minute I land in Vegas I’m off and running, ready to network, meet new people, enhance existing relationships and start or complete deals. This will be my 5th ICSC RECON and I am always inspired by the energy that comes from the conference and networking events.  Sometimes, though, it can all be tiring. Here are some tips that I utilize to keep me motivated:

1. (ABN) Always Be Networking.

RECon Prep - 5 Tips for Networking

ICSC’s RECon provides the opportunity to network and meet face-to-face with industry professionals from all over the country and across many disciplines. If you plan to attend, you should already have begun preparing to make the most of your time there, figuring out what you hope to accomplish during the event and how you plan to do it. The following are top five tips that Phillips Edison shares with team members it sends to RECon.

Opportunity Knocks... Or Does It?

The ICSC RECon convention is almost here.  If you’re attending the conference, you’ll most likely meet a few new people and reconnect with others.  Hopefully you will have some fun along the way and learn a lot.  In order to do all of this, you will need to capture the opportunities that the conference presents.  Let’s talk about what that means.

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