In a world where more people own a mobile device than a toothbrush, social media has fundamentally changed the way we live, work, shop and play. In fact, 1 out of every 6 minutes the average American spends online is on a social media site. We share information about companies, brands, products and services through rating systems and customer reviews, and many shoppers use social media as part of their pre-purchase research. Online peer reviews via social media are now almost as trusted as verbal recommendations.
This is critical information to Phillips Edison & Company not only as a shopping center owner, but as business practitioners as well. Our customers and partners, including potential new hires, retailers and investors, are researching our business before they ever set foot inside one of our centers or offices. It is vital that our team and our company have a solid and positive digital presence to help us build and maintain our brand. Business of all industries must engage the ever-growing social media audience and make good use of the opportunities that it provides in order to be successful in today’s marketplace.
I have challenged the Phillips Edison’s marketing team with getting us on the cutting edge of digital programs as it relates to enhancing our business. I believe, however, that social and digital media opportunities are so powerful that it is incumbent upon the entire organization, not just one department, to take responsibility in advancing this initiative for us. To that end, I have asked each department in our company to establish three social media goals that will positively impact Phillips Edison’s digital presence.
We will be using LinkedIn to continue to advance our thought leadership position through blogs from some of our executives. Phillips Edison’s Twitter will be used as an engagement tool to share content and interact with our stakeholders. Our Instagram will focus on fresh retail concepts as identified by our new Emerging Trends group ( We will continue to use Instagram as well as Facebook for promoting our incredible company culture.
The Marketing Team has dubbed 2017 as the #YearofWow. I am looking forward to seeing what our teams come up with that will “wow” us as we grow PECO’s digital influence and recognition.
I look forward to connecting with you in 2017!