Brian Sheehan
Brian Sheehan
Director of National Accounts

In the fast-paced world of retail, where competition is strong and customer preferences change quickly, the success of a shopping center relies on much more than simply filling store spaces. 

It's about creating vibrant community hubs that resonate with local needs and attract steady foot traffic. At PECO, we understand the importance of a “locally smart™” approach to merchandising our centers. Our focused and unique strategy of owning and operating small-format neighborhood centers anchored by the top grocers is at the heart of our mission. 

strategy for owning small-format neighborhood centers


Understanding the Local Pulse 

Being locally smart starts with understanding the communities that we serve. This means understanding local shopping habits and identifying the gaps in existing retail offers. Our centers are not just shopping destinations but vibrant community hubs, cultivated to reflect the neighborhood. PECO’s commitment to this tailored approach ensures that each center resonates with the unique character of its locale.  

Balancing Local and National Tenants 

Our approach to merchandising these centers goes beyond traditional methods—we blend the strengths of national, regional, and local “Neighbors” to create dynamic, thriving spaces that cater to the diverse needs of our communities.  

We use the term Neighbors instead of tenants to reflect our commitment to treating each business in our centers with care and respect, just as we would treat those who live next door. Serving our Neighbors means serving our community, and this philosophy underpins everything we do.